Tomato Production Technology Demonstration

A total of Fifty (50 No.) co-operative group leaders from various Local Government Areas of Kano State were selected to benefit from the training/demonstration. This is made up of twenty-one (21 No.) mixed group of tomato processors; ten (10 No.) women group leaders of wheat flour processors represented by Dala cluster of Gurasa (Local bread) processing women co-3 operative groups; thirteen (13 No.) wheat crop farmers; and six (6 No.) rice crop farmers.

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Rice Parboiling Technology Demonstration

Rice parboiling and processing are among the most important income generating activities carried out by women in Kano State. Women process but on a small scale even though it is profitable and rice has a wide market but the parboiling and milling of the rice is not properly done. To bring the women to a stage of competitive advantage it was necessary to train these women on how to improve on this important activity.

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