APPEALS National Newsletter 7th Edition

The 7th edition of the APPEALS Project Newsletter is an in-house publication that periodically documents and showcases highlights of Project Activities, Milestones and Continuous Progress at both National and State levels, bridge information and knowledge gaps, as well as serve as a handy reference material on the Project.

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APPEALS National Newsletter 6th Edition

The 6th edition of the APPEALS Project Newsletter is an in-house publication that periodically documents and showcases highlights of Project Activities, Milestones and Continuous Progress at both National and State levels, bridge information and knowledge gaps, as well as serve as a handy reference material on the Project.

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APPEALS National Newsletter 5th Edition

The 5th edition of the APPEALS Project Newsletter is an in-house publication that periodically documents and showcases highlights of Project Activities, Milestones and Continuous Progress at both National and State levels, bridge information and knowledge gaps, as well as serve as a handy reference material on the Project.

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Knowledge Management Strategy of the APPEALS Project

The Knowledge Management Strategy document of the APPEALS Project is an implementation support framework and guideline designed to facilitate the implementation of the KM subcomponent of the project, focusing on lessons learned, best practices and innovations, to generate appropriate knowledge products that would help scale up productivity enhancement and value addition for small and medium scale farmers along the priority value chains in the participating states. This would be achieved by facilitating access to timely and relevant information and knowledge transfer to and among project-supported farmers, in areas such as information about Good Agricultural Practices (GAP) including control of pests…

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