Success Story: How The Introduction of Farm Mechanization, Improved Varieties & GAP Increased Productivity of Small-Scale Cassava Farmers In Kogi State

This document captures the success story of increased cassava production recorded by supported beneficiaries, Mr. Bello Joseph (of Odo-Ape Cluster), Mr. John Omeiza Sariki (of Ihima Cluster), Mr. Sulaiman Edibo (of Iyale Cluster), and other project supported farmers in Kabba/Bunnu, Okehi, Adavi & Dekina L.G.As of Kogi. A larger proportion of people in Odo-Ape, Ihima, and Iyale are predominantly farmers that depend on cassava for food and means of livelihood. Farmers in these communities carried out their practices based on knowledge passed down through their heritage and ancestral practices. Farming activities such as land preparations, ploughing, harrowing, and ridging were…

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