Towards Understanding Gender Based Violence

Types of gender-based violence include female infanticide; child sexual abuse; sex trafficking and forced labor; sexual coercion and abuse; neglect; domestic violence; elder abuse; and harmful traditional practices such as early and forced marriage, “honor” killings, and female genital mutilation/cutting. All forms of GBV are costly and negatively impact economic growth and poverty reduction efforts (WHO 2004). VAW and IPV have been the subject of extensive efforts to measure costs to individuals, households, and nations. Such studies have shown that the costs of IPV place an enormous burden on individuals and families, with ripple effects throughout society.

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Exploiting Export Potentials for Sustainable Increase in Volume and Quality of Processed Output of Tomato, Rice and Wheat in Kano State

Behavioural change takes more than Good Agricultural Practices sessions. Limited rural infrastructure restricts farmers in processing and adding value to their products. When farming communities thrives, economies grow with enhance volume, quality and value. Depending on rain patterns are becoming more uncertain, under utilization of Irrigational facilities as well as lack of access to technology by rural farmer limits production. Most Small-Scale farmers have very little access to credit that could enable them to buy machinery, build irrigation systems. The present marketing system of Agricultural Commodities in Nigeria is highly disorganized and uncoordinated due to lack of coherence government policy.…

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Sensitization Meeting on GRM and GBV for Rice, Wheat and Tomato farmers in Kano State.

Effectively addressing grievances from people impacted by World Bank projects is a core component of managing operational risk. Grievance redress mechanisms (GRMs) can be an effective tool for early identification, assessment, and resolution of complaints on projects. Understanding when and how a GRM may improve project outcomes and this can help both project teams and beneficiaries improve results. Project-level GRM is a problem-solving mechanism of World Bank supported projects established and managed by Borrower Project staff that facilitates the resolution of grievance raised by people directly affected by environmental and social impacts under World Bank financed projects. It provides a…

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Exploring the Opportunities of Converting Agricultural Waste to Wealth in Rice, Tomato and Wheat

Agricultural waste is a type of waste, typically originating from plant or animal sources, which may also be degraded by other living organisms. Composting is biodegrading agricultural waste to supply plant with essential nutrients for normal growth and development. Recycling is converting agricultural waste into another useful agricultural and industrial produce. Farmers burn agricultural waste to reduce labor cost of evacuating it from farm, control pest, reduce soil temperature and loss of moisture and Improve soil fertility.

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Converting Waste to Wealth: Opportunities from Crops Production and Processing

Production and processing of food as a process requires the use of valuable and scarce resources. Such resources include; land, water, organic and inorganic inputs, energy and biodiversity etc. The potential to produce cereals such as rice maize and vegetables such as tomato is enormous in Kano State. Production and processing of food crops, livestock and fiber is associated with bye products. Such Bye-products are sometimes treated with minimum value or sometimes as waste for disposal.

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